5 Reasons to Enjoy Ballroom Dancing Classes NOW, not Later

Every time I greet a new student, I like to take them out on the floor and move them to music right away, so they can get a taste of how much fun ballroom classes can be. It’s usually then that I hear the phrase ‘I wish I’d started dancing sooner.’

Why do we hold off on pursuing the things we enjoy? There’s a mentality that traps us, where we feel the things we really want can’t come to us without years of hard work and toil - as though we could somehow free ourselves of all responsibilities, if we just pushed hard enough.

Many people want to dance when they are younger, but don’t act on their wishes because of perceived limitations they face in their life, and because it doesn’t appear to be worth the hard work required. Maybe this will change your mind.

1. Dance helps you live longer.

Canadians are blessed with subsidized medical expenses, but getting injured and sick is no picnic either. The older you get, the more prone to illness you are, and hundreds of people daily have their lives cut short by health issues.

Ballroom dancing classes can add years to your life - it’s perhaps the only activity that works both your body and your mind to the fullest, so they stay strong well into old age. Here’s the thing though - the longer you’ve been dancing, the more effective it is.

You can always tell when someone has been dancing their whole life - they’re still at it when their ninety.

2. Dance prepares you for that special someone.

It’s always in the moments before that first date, that job interview, that networking event, when you wish you could just swallow a magic pill to transform you into the confident savvy person you want to be.

Since those pills are a closely-kept government secret, the next best thing is to prepare in advance. Taking ballroom dancing classes automatically gives you a date option that’s sexy and different, all while getting closer with your beau.

For that matter, it also teaches you how to stand and move confidently in the business world, so you can make your money back in more clients and promotions.

3. Social dancing is cheaper than a movie.

A major objection for many potential dancers is the cost of lessons. People get worried about putting down a wad of cash now, because they don’t see how much it can save them in health and entertainment bills down the road.

For example, the price of a movie can be as much as $14 person or more. But learning through ballroom dancing classes gives you access to an evening of fun that rarely exceeds $10. And often includes a dance lesson as well. Talk about a good deal!

4. There will always be reasons why you ‘can’t’.

Much as we might wish for it, there will never come a time, except maybe in our old age, when we will be free of responsibilities. And to work now so you can play sometime in the future is missing out on the best part of life.

What if you made some compromise between work and play? Maybe you can tape your favourite tv show, and watch it another day, while you take ballroom dancing classes instead. Maybe you only take one lesson a month to keep the cost down, and practice like crazy in between.

Everyone says they wished they’d started to dance sooner. Nobody says they wished they’d waited longer. Maybe it’s time we learned their lesson, and start making enjoyment of life the highest priority.

5. The hardest part is beginning.

Odds are, you will never be as healthy, or as physically-mobile, as you are right now. There will never be a better time to try ballroom dancing lessons, or anything else you enjoy, because you are in the best shape you can be to enjoy it.

Learning anything new is hard at first, and I’m not going to pretend you won’t have periods of frustration. The pleasure of the accomplishment you braved your fears and grew as a person as a result. I wish you courage on your journey.

About the Author
Ian Crewe has been dancing ballroom for over 16 years, and has a Licentiate in American smooth and rhythm. He currently teaches at the Joy of Dance Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada. Click here to see when he's teaching.

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