Ballroom Dance Spins: Pivots VS ‘Pivoting Actions’

We’ve set the stage with an intro to general turning technique, as well as the 5 elements that we can change to give our dance spins a different look and feel. Now, we’re finally ready to upgrade the actual dance spins we use in our dances. Previously, we looked at the spot turn, and how to make it work. Let’s try something a little more advanced: the pivots and pivoting actions. Continue reading "Ballroom Dance Spins: Pivots VS ‘Pivoting Actions’"

How to Improve Your Dancing Without Help, Part 2

Now that we’ve a general idea of how to get the most from your dance practice, let’s look at three common issues all dancers face and how to resolve them by asking questions and experimenting.

To improve your dancing without an instructor, you must be patient and observant of what feels comfortable, balanced, and smooth… and what does not. Continue reading "How to Improve Your Dancing Without Help, Part 2"