Great Ballroom Music for Practicing

If you're reading this, odds are you like good ballroom music. Whether it’s for a performance, a social, or for practice, your favourite ballroom music energizes you, makes you want to strength further, push harder, dance fiercer.

All too often, I hear the same tired favourites when I go to dance halls and socials. So today, I’m sharing some of my top favourite ballroom dance songs in each genre, and why I like each one. I hope they inspire and delight you. Continue reading "Great Ballroom Music for Practicing"

A Short History of Ballroom Dance

Ballroom dancing has been bringing adventurous folk together in barrooms and court halls for centuries. But it’s only in the last century that most of the dances we know and love have appeared in North American studios. Why is that? And how did it all get started?

In an effort to help you sound smart as well as adventurous, here is a (VERY) short history of ballroom dance. Continue reading "A Short History of Ballroom Dance"

What Ballroom Dance IS This Anyway??

You know what’s frustrating? Learning some great moves in a dance you love, then going out to a social dance and realizing you can’t tell what songs you can use them to.

Yet, despite how confusing it can be at the beginning, there ARE certain instruments or sound styles that traditional music of a dance genre use. Let’s look at a few of the most popular: salsa, cha cha, rumba, waltz, and tango. Continue reading "What Ballroom Dance IS This Anyway??"