5 Dance Moves for Sexy Hips

Whether you’re a man or a woman, your hips tell your dance partner a lot about you: how relaxed you are, how playful, how comfortable with your sexuality. So it should come as no surprise to know that, especially in the Latin clubs, one of the big indicators of your popularity as a dancer is how smoothly and sexily you can shake it down.

In previous articles on sexy hip movement, we explored the basic form of Latin hip movement, called Cuban motion, and I highly recommend ballroom beginners start there. For those of you a little more familiar with your body’s mid-section, here’s five more moves to develop some sexy hips!

1. The figure 8

sexy hips

The classic for sexy hips. The figure 8 is a great alternative for slower Latin songs. Accentuating the rotational movement in Cuban motion, the figure 8 comes from sending your hip more forward, then rolling it in a semi-circle to the back, before repeating on the opposite side.

2. The booty roll

sexy hips

Great for a more dramatic and sexy hip movement, the hips roll in a wide circle (or a smaller one, if space is tight). Make a side step into the roll, letting the hips roll back and side, before returning to the side you stepped on. Keep your chest high throughout the roll, with your body held in between your legs, changing weight on the end of the roll. The key is to keep your body as still as possible, so the focus stays on your hips.

3. Circular booty roll

sexy hips

A more advanced form of booty roll, this one works best while dancing solo, as a salsa shine, for instance. Step into the roll as before, but keep your weight closer to the stepping foot. As your hip rolls towards the opposite leg, use its momentum to turn on the ball of your standing foot, sliding the free foot slightly forward on each roll until you’ve made a full circle. Taking smaller steps accentuates the sexy hip action.

4. Hip bumps

sexy hips

Common in bachata and kizomba, the hip bump is executed with the feet close together, and the free leg bent. Pointing the free leg into the ground, while straightening the knee, causes the hip to rise vertically, then drop when the leg is relaxed. This often done sharply, to give the movement a more powerful look, and to stand out from smoother movements.

5.Hip undulations

sexy hips

A smooth and sexy hip undulation is sure to turn heads. It’s often paired with the upper body to create a body wave. Keeping it isolated at the hips can make it more subtle and sexy however.

This one takes a lot of practice to develop your body awareness. Separate the lower half of your torso into 4 quadrants: upper abdomen (solar plexus), lower abdomen (belly button), upper hips (hip bones, and bottom of spine), and lower hips (the sit bones). In sequence, pull the upper 2 sections inward towards the spine, like you’re sucking in your belly, followed by rolling the upper hips back, followed by the lower hips. As you pull each section back, let the section two sections above relax (ex. relax the upper abdomen as you pull the upper hips back). When you get the order right, this will create a small wave undulation from the stomach through the pelvis.

Any questions? No? Then get practicing - more tips to come!

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